Books with Ms. Bonny
Enjoy weekly story time with Ms. Bonny! Stories, activities and art for ages 2-5. Older and younger siblings are welcome. No registration necessary, just drop in.
Enjoy weekly story time with Ms. Bonny! Stories, activities and art for ages 2-5. Older and younger siblings are welcome. No registration necessary, just drop in.
Hippocrates wrote, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Plan to attend this program presented by Cindy Nissen, RN,MSN. Cindy will explore how our food choices can […]
Bring your current needlework, knitting, or crochet project and enjoy the company of other crafters over tea and cookies.
Third and fourth graders are welcome to sign up for reading, activities, and fun! To register email or call 708-448-2855.
Meet up at the Worth Library for a playdate! Lots of educational toys and fun for children ages 5 and under. Just drop in.
Award-winning romantic comedy filmmaker Lorrisa Julianus shares true stories to delight and entertain, whether Cupid is your bestie or a frenemy. From the happily-ever-after that Cleopatra’s daughter found with an […]
Fun, snacks, and prizes! Our guest Bingo caller is Bob Trzeciak. Bob is a local Historian who has presented several historical presentations at the Worth Public Library. Bob will be […]
Play Bingo with friends and win prizes. Just walk in! First come, first served.
Ageless Grace® is a fun and playful brain health exercise program practiced to upbeat music while seated in the chair. This innovative program is composed of 21 tools or exercises. […]