Books with Ms. Bonny

Enjoy weekly story time with Ms. Bonny! Stories, activities and art for ages 2-5. Older and younger siblings are welcome. No registration necessary, just drop in.

Stitch & Sip

Bring your current needlework, knitting, or crochet project and enjoy the company of other crafters over tea and cookies.

Third & Fourth Grade Bookclub

Third and fourth graders are welcome to sign up for reading, activities, and fun! To register email or call 708-448-2855.

Itty Bitty Playgroup

Meet up at the Worth Library for a playdate! Lots of educational toys and fun for children ages 5 and under. Just drop in.

Love Stories from History: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Award-winning romantic comedy filmmaker Lorrisa Julianus shares true stories to delight and entertain, whether Cupid is your bestie or a frenemy. From the happily-ever-after that Cleopatra’s daughter found with an […]

Bingo with Bob

Fun, snacks, and prizes! Our guest Bingo caller is Bob Trzeciak. Bob is a local Historian who has presented several historical presentations at the Worth Public Library. Bob will be […]

Fifth Grade & Under Bingo

Play Bingo with friends and win prizes. Just walk in! First come, first served.  

Ageless Grace

Ageless Grace® is a fun and playful brain health exercise program practiced to upbeat music while seated in the chair. This innovative program is composed of 21 tools or exercises. […]